Tuesday 6 October 2009

Waiting for the postman

Having been ill all last week, spending it in bed, I thought I had made a good enough recovery to take the children to school yesterday. It was raining, that really weird, heavy, sticky type of rain that soaks you in seconds and runs down your collar before you are off the end of your drive. Today, I am now shakey, feeling extremely exhausted, and hot again. Pants. Its just so not on, I can't be ill so much, not enough time for it. So, Poor hubby has taken the two older ones to school again, and I am sat at home, waiting for my lovely postman as I am hoping he will be bringing me more beads to play with. At least if I can get some things made I wont feel like the day has been a complete waste. I have asked if I can have a table at preschool, to display and sell my bits, with the preschool getting a % of any takings. Its probably less about selling lot s and more about finding out what sells, what people like, how much they will pay etc but if I do make anything all well and good. There is a 'Big Bead Show' in two weeks time, at Sandown, and I hope to be going along. Its a fact finding mission, and maybe pick up some bargains too. Perhaps some gorgeous, unique beads, findings, ideas and possibly contacts too. I need to take some photos of the things I have made but, this dreadful weather and feeling so, well, cruddy, is not really making me feel like going to the effort. I need to though, especially if I am to get any good at this sort of thing. I'd like to maybe get a Folsky, or Etsy shop too, but thats a while away yet.

Now, Proud Mummy Moment!!!

Emily is going to have a poem published in a book! Last year, her school entered a competition and Emilys has been selected to go into the book! Its very exciting and I am just so proud of her. A copy of the book will be in the British Library in london, as well as going to other libraries too. We will of course have to buy a copy (or three) too. I am not sure she understands why its so exciting, she seemed more interested in the stickers they sent as a well done. Bless her.

The chickens need a roof on their run! I went out this morning to top up their food and water and its rather boggy in there. A roof would reduce the amount of rain that gets in. It wouldnt hurt once in a while but, with winter coming its going to get very unpleasant in there I think. Must get that sorted. Need to give them a 'deep clean' too. Getting the Cube out, and scrubbed, raking out the aubiose and replacing it, a veritable dust storm of red mite powder and it will all be sorted for another month or so. Two of the three pullets we hatched have taken to sleeping on the roof of the cube too. This is not good as they poo all over it. I've hosed it down a bit today but need to find a way to get them to sleep IN it, and not on it. The feather plucking problem persists. I've tried Ukadex and bump bits. The ukadex seems to work for a bit, but, it can taint the eggs, I know, I ate one and it was repulsive. It think its only via transfer, rather than aborbtion through the shell, but, I would really not want to eat one if I were a customer. The bump bits were useless. Hubby and I failed in getting one on at all! I think I may need some expert help with that. Not quite sure who but, must investigate. Its getting a real issue now. I *think* its Amy who is doing it because she seems to be the only one who isn't bald anywhere. It would be horrible but, I may have to rehome her if I can't sort it out any other way. If thats not possible then, I really dont know what to do.

I've edited this to add some photos.

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