Sunday 25 October 2009

A models life is not for me..

I don't like photos of me. I don't like posing for photos either. However, today a photographer from London Lite came and took photos of me, the children and our chickens. My false smile was hard to maintain. Not sure when it will be in, though apparently the paper comes out on Wednesdays. The only thing that was good was that I was wearing Howard in an MT. YEH! Babywearing in the paper. Fantastic.

I need to make things desperately for my stall. I am concerned I do not have enough diversity. In fact, I may just pop into Kingston now, and see about getting some things. Update later...

Friday 23 October 2009

ouchies ouchies

I've done something weird to myshoulder and arm. Not sure what exactly but flipin' 'eck it HURTS. Tried 4 lots of prescribed painkillers, the last lot seem to take the edge off but dont get rid of it completely. For now, I'll settle for that. The drugs make me 'drunk' but, its that or pain, and I know which I prefer.

The Jewellery making is in full swing now. I went to the bead show and bought some terrific beads and things. Bought some PMC to play with too, that will have to wait though as the torch that came with it is duff. I've made some childrens things, bracelets and necklaces, will need to work on my disclaimer details, as obviously these are not toys, even though they are likely to be bought for or by children. I've made a beautiful necklace and earrings set. (see the photos, red beads and green leaves) Totally gorgeous. BUT, when I worked out the costings it came to £65! Yikes. Not sure anyone is going to want to buy that. Oh well, I may just have to keep it. I've also got some new lampwork beads, from the show, which are beautiful, I just need to work out what I want to do with them. I dont want to rush in and try to make something just for the sake of it. Need to wait until inspiration strikes. I am trying to work out what to display my jewellery on when I take it to the preschool hall to try and sell it. I want it to look lovely, but, also can't spend a great deal of money. Until I start selling things, I am going to struggle I think. I've invested lots, and I mean LOTS of money into this already. I really need to either go for it, or stop I think, its kind of make or break over Christmas. If I dont sell any, well, I guess I give up. I'd still do it for presents but, I can't afford to not sell anything. So many people ooh'd and ah'd when I showed them the pieces but, when they went up for sale, no one bought any. Bit disheartening really. However, I am not going to give up yet! No, I am going to keep going, keep trying over the Christmas period and hopefully someone will like something enough to buy it. Positive thinking!

Sunday 18 October 2009

What a busy weekend!

Saturday was 'The Big Bead Show' at Sandown racecourse. My friend, Kate and her friend Helen and I all went along and spent WAYYYYY too much money. But it was fabulous. There were so many fabulous beads, and other jewellery making things on display as well as a multitude of different items being worn by their designers. (yes, I did where one of mine, I hope people looked at it and thought it lovely). I am now the very excited owner of a PMC kit. Precious Metal Clay is a revolutionary way of working with silver and gold and I am very, very excitedly looking forward to producing my own silver pieces to use in my Jewellery.
I've stil not had anyone buy anything from my site, which is disappointing but perhaps I was being just a little too impatient. However, I've made a watch, which I am going to run a competition for people to win. Not quite sure how to sort that just yet, whether to simply do a straight buy something and be entered, or whether to ask people a question about the site, and then draw for the winner. We shall see.
Today was little Georges Baptism. It was a terrific service, really lovely and the children were quite well behaved, all things considered. However, about 5 minutes after getting there my shoulder started to hurt, and it has not stopped all day, in fact I am sure its getting worse. I really can't take much more of this pain. Its constant. It never ends. I am taking painkillers like my life depends on it, and yet, it STILL hurts. ARRGGHHH.

Monday 12 October 2009

How much for your time?

I've had someone ask me whether I've done any research into my prices as they seem over priced! They then supplied an example where someone is charging £6 for a bracelet. Disregarding the vast difference between the materials the 'cheap' item has been made with, in comparison with the materials I use there is still the matter of my time. How much is my time worth, to me, to my family, and to my, dare I use the term? 'Buisness' Even if I was given ALL the materials that go into a bracelet, and ALL the tools required to assemble and build it, how much would my 'Time' be worth? The time it took to design the item, to then go and buy the components, to select them, to get them home again, and then finally to put it all together. Beads, findings, crystals. They do not just appear in my house, I have to actively get them. They do not throw themselves together, magically attaching themselves to jump rings, clasps, eye pins and nor do they know just how they need to be arranged to look as I imagine them to be. It takes time. My time.

The answer to my original question is, as much as I value my time to be. The seller who is advertising bracelets at £6 obviously does not value their time as I value mine. My children would probably put an even higher price on it than me. So, for now, no, I do not think I am over priced. I think my prices are spot on for a handmade piece of designed jewellery, often using handmade lampwork beads that some other person has put their time into as well. If you buy from a work at home mum, you are not just buying an 'item' a tangible, touchable thing, you are investing into the life of the people who give their time to design and craft that item. How can anyone expect that to be deemed valueless?

Sunday 11 October 2009

Ta-da! Finally got the photography sorted... I hope

Its been a battle, a headache and a source of great distress as I've tried to get the photos on my folsky shop to look clear and crisp but, I think I have finally cracked it! Thank goodness. I've spent such a huge amount of time on them, editing, re-taking them, correcting them, re-taking them again its been a bit distressing actually. The problem? I was resizing them, reducing them to a smaller size but, then when adding them to Folksy their software was blowing the photo up, so blurring the edges. DOH!

I made an absolutely gorgeous bracelet yesterday using the amber lentils that I bought from Kate, its such a lovely 'warm' piece. I am sure it will sell, eventually. Actually I have made one sale! so, it was to my Auntie but, it counts. Right?

At the moment I am hiding upstairs, its 12 midday! Feeling really highly strung and wrought for some reason today. Am worried that a small thing is going to set me off, there have been a couple of near misses as it is. I've no idea why. I didnt sleep well, but, thats not a new thing. I wonder if its the constant ache/pain finally getting to me, or whether its just the PND cycling again. Either way, I dont want to upset the children, or shout at them so hence me hiding upstairs.

Saturday 10 October 2009

Photography nightmare

I am not a photographer. Seriously, I have no idea how to take photos. Taking decent ones of my jewellery has been a trial. I've tried allsorts and its giving me a headache. It has taken longer to get a photo of an item that it would take to make all my stock! How do people get such great photos? Anyway, getting there, and I've updated some of the photos of stock on my site, and added a new piece too so fingers crossed that someone will buy something. Soon! Need to justify all this time, effort and expense!

I've been to the Dr about my shoulder/arm pain. Not particularly helpful, he's given me some anti inflammatory pain relievers and referred me for a scan. The tablets are not helping at all! How can that be? I've taken them WITH paracetamol and still it hurts. I'll give it a couple of days, in case they need to build up in my system but, otherwise its back I go...

E has been poorly, stomach upset, vomiting and of course diarrhoea (sp?, too lazy to check...). She seems better today, but, I am not sure we should take her to see Gran. Its Gran's birthday today, and she is very frail anyway, I dont think she needs to be put at risk, birthday or not. John may have to go, him and the boys.

H has been very unhappy! He threw hubby's laptop on the floor at one point! well, ok, pushed as hes too small to pick it up and throw it, but, it was a deliberate act of frustration and anger. Please tell me my sweet, gorgeous, happy boy isn't turning into a tempermental toddler early!

Friday 9 October 2009

Quick post

Just a quick post to display the brooch I've made for Hubby's Gran, its her birthday tomorrow. Hope she likes it.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Something Sparkly?

It seems I may have a shop! well, a virtual shop anyway. Something Sparkly?

I showed some friends my jewellery that I'd made and they all seemed to like it. Yes, I know, would friends tell you the truth? In this case, yes, I feel they were. So, I decided to take the bull by the horns and set up a little shop on Folksy. It should have been simple but I decided I wanted to have an email address specifically for the shop, which meant getting a new domain name set up. I've also had to set up a buisness account with Paypal to deal with payments (positive thinking that people will buy things!). I had a little play around with domain names, using my shop name as a starting point and have now gone with Great, except that the domain still isn't live yet, and I've used that to set up my PP account AND my shop so, I really hope it starts soon, or it may all go a bit pear shaped before we get anywhere.

So, watch out for 'Something Sparkly?' and don't forget to tell people if you see things you like.

Taking the photos of my stock is proving to be harder than it should be. I am finding it hard to get them in a clear crisp format, that shows the colours and of course the sparkly bits (where present). I think I need some professional help. As it is, I have only got one photo of any use out of all the ones I've taken! This is poor. I must work on that. I really should be doing that now I suppose. More later...

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Waiting for the postman

Having been ill all last week, spending it in bed, I thought I had made a good enough recovery to take the children to school yesterday. It was raining, that really weird, heavy, sticky type of rain that soaks you in seconds and runs down your collar before you are off the end of your drive. Today, I am now shakey, feeling extremely exhausted, and hot again. Pants. Its just so not on, I can't be ill so much, not enough time for it. So, Poor hubby has taken the two older ones to school again, and I am sat at home, waiting for my lovely postman as I am hoping he will be bringing me more beads to play with. At least if I can get some things made I wont feel like the day has been a complete waste. I have asked if I can have a table at preschool, to display and sell my bits, with the preschool getting a % of any takings. Its probably less about selling lot s and more about finding out what sells, what people like, how much they will pay etc but if I do make anything all well and good. There is a 'Big Bead Show' in two weeks time, at Sandown, and I hope to be going along. Its a fact finding mission, and maybe pick up some bargains too. Perhaps some gorgeous, unique beads, findings, ideas and possibly contacts too. I need to take some photos of the things I have made but, this dreadful weather and feeling so, well, cruddy, is not really making me feel like going to the effort. I need to though, especially if I am to get any good at this sort of thing. I'd like to maybe get a Folsky, or Etsy shop too, but thats a while away yet.

Now, Proud Mummy Moment!!!

Emily is going to have a poem published in a book! Last year, her school entered a competition and Emilys has been selected to go into the book! Its very exciting and I am just so proud of her. A copy of the book will be in the British Library in london, as well as going to other libraries too. We will of course have to buy a copy (or three) too. I am not sure she understands why its so exciting, she seemed more interested in the stickers they sent as a well done. Bless her.

The chickens need a roof on their run! I went out this morning to top up their food and water and its rather boggy in there. A roof would reduce the amount of rain that gets in. It wouldnt hurt once in a while but, with winter coming its going to get very unpleasant in there I think. Must get that sorted. Need to give them a 'deep clean' too. Getting the Cube out, and scrubbed, raking out the aubiose and replacing it, a veritable dust storm of red mite powder and it will all be sorted for another month or so. Two of the three pullets we hatched have taken to sleeping on the roof of the cube too. This is not good as they poo all over it. I've hosed it down a bit today but need to find a way to get them to sleep IN it, and not on it. The feather plucking problem persists. I've tried Ukadex and bump bits. The ukadex seems to work for a bit, but, it can taint the eggs, I know, I ate one and it was repulsive. It think its only via transfer, rather than aborbtion through the shell, but, I would really not want to eat one if I were a customer. The bump bits were useless. Hubby and I failed in getting one on at all! I think I may need some expert help with that. Not quite sure who but, must investigate. Its getting a real issue now. I *think* its Amy who is doing it because she seems to be the only one who isn't bald anywhere. It would be horrible but, I may have to rehome her if I can't sort it out any other way. If thats not possible then, I really dont know what to do.

I've edited this to add some photos.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Distressing morning

This morning I had to cull one of my girls. She's been under the weather with sour crop for about a month now. Its been very hard. Though I know it was for the best, for her, its a most distressing event and one that I really dont want to have to do again. We have not told the children. There are enough chickens that they wont miss one, but, I realise that at some point they are going to have to learn about just how chicken ends up on our plates and then we will have to explain it all. Which is kind of one of the reasons I wanted to get chickens, so, hey ho, it will have to be done at some point. Just not in any kind of rush to do it.

In the meantime.

I have been playing around with beads and making jewellery. I am really enjoying it. Though its costing me a small fortune in visits to John Lewis and on ebay. I must work out how to sell some of the things I make soon. Just got to get some 'stock' built up first I guess. I might try Folksy, or Etsy. We'll see. In the meantime I am thinking of giving some to the 'Friends of St Pauls' stall to sell, give them something a little different to entice the punters in.

I'm trying very hard to think of cheery things to write but all I can think about is this morning. I think I will leave it here for now.