Friday 6 November 2009

Apologies for the delay in blogs..

Life is chaos, chaos is life. Three children, a cat, 10 chickens, a husband, a house, hobbies, jewellery stalls... The list goes on. Add to that my very sore arm and shoulder and well, you can see its reasonable that I have not updated this for a while. Can't you? (please agree....).I've done the stall at the Preschool, and sold a bracelet and pair of earrings. Not a HUGE success, but, its a start, and preschool have said I can go back in a couple of weeks for the run up to Christmas. I am more and more wanting, needing to make this work. For the past few years, being a parent has been all I've had, but, as the children grow they are less dependent on me (I am no longer breastfeeding Howard) and can spend longer with others, Daddy, Nanny, Granma and Grandad. This means I am feeling kind of aimless, without a goal. I had hoped the allotment would fill that void, sadly my PND and leg pain but that out of the equation. Jewellery making though, I can do in spare moments, if I dont do any there wont be weeds growing, or harvest rotting etc. So, its all out for Something Sparkly? It has to work. Not least because John and I have invested rather a lot of money into equipement, beads and stock.
I seem to be drawn to beads in shades of green at the moment. I love green, its such a fresh, 'alive' sort of colour. At this time of year, when the gorgeous coloured leaves are almost gone from trees, when the weather is mucky, the world can seem rather brown, muddy and dull. Green is a vibrant, zingy reminder of warmer, cheerier seasons. The necklace set just above has some fabulous green foil beads and its been teamed with citrine green swarovski crystals. Its so lovely, though I do admit to a little bias regarding that point. I have another necklace set that is all one colour, but different sized beads add interest. Its a really bright lime green. Fabulous. I will try and get that added here later, though it has been added to my facebook fanpage if you'd like to take a look.

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