Tuesday 13 January 2009

I write this in an excited state of anticipation. A second hand Eglu, with three resident Hens was advertised on a forum I use. I thought there was no chance that Hubby would agree but I was astounded when he said YES! I contacted the seller, emails have been exchanged and a deal struck. We collect a Red Eglu, with girls on Sunday Morning. Once they all start laying I should hopefully get enough eggs to sell in boxes of 4. I wont make a fortune of course but it should go towards their upkeep. At the moment only Storm is laying, and not everyday yet either. I think we may get another egg today though as she is in and out of the nest box every 10-20 minutes or so, she is also very friendly and crouchy. In fact, even as I type this, I can see her sat in there, tossing the odd bit of hay over her shoulder. I hope she gets a move on, I have to collect our Eldest from School in an hour and I am so excited about the possibility of getting to collect a warm egg before then. *update* she finally laid her egg, its a MASSIVE (not) 36g, smaller than her first effort which was 39g. Oh well, it will still be delicious I am sure.

Also, on the self sufficient front. I have some Jam jars here now. I am going to make a batch of Sweet Chilli Jam tomorrow. I hope to make enough that a couple of Jars can go to the Church Stall on Saturday. If it turns out ok that is. If it does, its my intention to add it onto a list of things to make for Hampers for presents throughout the year and at Christmas. Ok, so I am thinking ahead, but, it can't hurt.

I am going to have to think about selling some more of my Baby carriers. I tend to stick to the same ones, the others will need to be sold I think. Trouble is, which to sell. At the moment I am using an OCAH Wrap MT conversion and its so supportive but, I find the straps dig in under my arms. Trouble is I love it. I have an Easysling MT which I custom ordered but I have never used. I will definetly keep my first Babyhawk carrier, its lovely and has huge sentiment attached. I love using the carriers, today my 2 year old had his nap just as we needed to leave for the school pick up run, so I popped him into the pushchair and slipped my 7 month old into the OCAH. By the time we got to school, 6 minutes away, they were both fast asleep.

My health vistor came today. She visits once a week to see how I am coping, with the PND. Its not been too bad today, though I did shed a tear or two whilst she was here. PND is such a difficult illness, often its regarded as a matter of weakness in the sufferer, its 'all in their head' but the reality is darker, lonelier, and scarier. Even worse, its never the same for two individuals, there are similarities but its always a personal illness. I've had it three times, after each of my children and its not been the same at all. I thought that my first bout of it was the worst, but, some of the symptoms this time are much scarier, I have wanted/tried to cut my arms. Oddly, the pain it caused was like flicking a switch to 'normal' and I stopped but its a terrifying feeling. This 'need' to hurt yourself, to bring yourself back to normal. Part of me was saying dont do it, its insane, yet another part was saying, if you do it, it will make you feel ordinary again. Thankfully, I have not had the urge or need to do this for several days. I can only pray its a phase that has passed.

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