Wednesday 21 January 2009

Red Eglu, Green Eglu

The three new hens are laying very well, we had a full house yesterday, though am somewhat disappointed with just one egg from them today. Storm produced her perfect little egg this morning; I had it poached on toast with yesterdays little gift egg from her. Delicious, and the colour of the yolk was stunning, a deep yellow/orange colour.
Zsa Zsa, one of the new hens (Red Eglu flock) is pecking the other two, taking feathers. I got in touch with the previous owner and it seems that this had started to happen before I got them, which is good in that the move hasnt caused the behaviour, bad in that it means its established behaviour and will be very hard to break. I have got some anti peck spray on order, which should arrive monday or tuesday of next week. Hopefully that will sort it, if not, I shall have to step up to move intensive anti peck lotions which, as far as I can gather smell totally revolting even to humans. Nice.
No sign of Molly producing that first egg despite lots of crouching going on. She was so approachable on Monday I really thought we might see something soon. As for the pale egg from the other day, I am now not sure it was Charlottes as nothing else has been seen. Only Storm is laying regularly from the Green Eglu flock.
On Wednesday (yesterday) I gave a half dozen of our precious eggs to our neighbour; they are a lovely family. Obviously we had a conversation about the hens, its the first time I have seen her since before we got them. She was extremely interested and even more excitingly apparently her son has asked for Chickens before and since seeing mine is more keen than ever. I have said he is very welcome to come and look at the set up, Eglu and runs, and to meet the girls of course. I hope he does, and I also hope he remains keen, it would mean a Hen sitter on our doorstep which would be fabulous.
Hubby told me to order the run extention for the new girls. I am relieved actually as they really need the extra room but I was worried about asking. However, he was fine, and was as concerned as me about them only having the standard size run. It should be arriving Monday/Tuesday, I ordered the anti peck spray from the same company, Omlet, who make the Eglus.
PND today has not been too bad, not a completely great day, with a mini meltdown over supper as Emily complained even before she got to the table that she didnt like it. *sigh* its very frustrating and I did lose my cool a little, though Hubby was there to diffuse the situation. This whole thing is not fair on anyone, I suffer, the children suffer, hubby is suffering. Its an illness that affects the entire family, one way or another yet its all my fault. The Health Visitor came yesterday, bizarrely, I enjoy her visits, I get to talk about how I am feeling/coping (or not) and she askes pertinent questions that make me see things from different angles and this then gives me new options that perhaps I would not have thought of. I expressed my concern that hubby is exhausted and suffering with lack of sleep. He works all day, comes home, eats supper then I go upstairs on my own whilst he deals with the children and the aftermath of supper. Then he comes upstairs, I take care of Howard and he gets the older two into bed, then he goes downstairs to tidy up, clear away, do laundry and/or ironing (he does take a long time to iron a shirt thought) and he often doesnt get to bed until 1am, only to be woken by Arthur at about 4am when hubby then goes and sleeps on a makeshift bed on the floor in Arthurs room, till about 6 when they all then go down for breakfast. However, if I dont get enough sleep, the PND symptoms are much worse the next day or so, and he then gets called home from work or something. We simply do not know what to do for the best. I asked if there was any sort of help we might be able to get, though she didnt hold out for much hope, she said she would look into it. I am not sure what help we need to be honest.
I have been trying to plan my allotment. Not easy as I dont have the items I wanted to get (on my Christmas list but thats another story). So, I am trying to work out a plan of action. I hope to go down, possible Sunday, if not next Wednesday, and measure out where I want my beds to go, and then start clearing the first ones. I was going to try and clear the whole plot in one go, but, that is not going to work, so now, its going to be one bed at a time. Slowly but surely. I want raised beds, and I am going to measure up when I go down and try and buy one set of plinths to make the first bed. Then dig over the area, then place the edges in, and then infill with some of the fab compost I have home here, and the compost from the heap on my plot. Long term, I want to built three compost bins down there, and do 'hotbedding' whereby the compost heap is also put to work growing crops before the compost is then added to the beds. Its done on a three rotation, one empty composter being filled, one being used, and one growing things. So, lots of plans, lets just hope time and weather allow.

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