Sunday 18 January 2009

We have six Chickens! Today we drove to collect our new hens, and Eglu. We bought them from a lady who having returned to work just felt that she and they were not getting a lot from each other. So. Now they are here with us. Hubby and I put the run and Eglu together with the enthusiatic *help* of our two oldest children. Excitement was boiling over though as we lifted each hen from her transportation box and found, nestled in the straw a perfectly formed egg. I really hope the move has not upset them and stops them laying, or worse causes one or more to become eggbound. Lets hope not. They will have to stay in their run for about a week, before I let them free range, possibly Friday. I shall see how they get on, how they cope with the other three and how the laying goes. Their eggs are much larger than Storms.
More chickeny news though. Yesterday we were out all day, and got home around 6, so I went out to close the Eglu door and thought I would just do a quick nest check. There was one egg there, I picked it up, took it indoors and popped it straight into the bowl with the others in the larder, I didnt even look at it. This morning, I took the bowl out to date the egg from yesterday and was surprised to see that it was a very different colour to the usual ones Storm has been laying. It is MUCH lighter and creamier in colour, storms are a sort of warm mid to dark beige, this was a creamy pale beige. I am now wondering if it is in fact Charlottes first egg! I shall be interested to see what is in the nest box tomorrow. Should that be nest boxes though, afterall I can't wait to see if my new girls continue to lay.
The house is a mess. Tomorrow I am going to have a go at tidying the dresser in the hall, a task I set myeslf on Friday but as previously explained, it didnt get done. It is on my list for tomorrow. Actually its the only thing on my list for tomorrow, well apart from cleaning out the green Eglu, as it didn't get done today, but I dont really count that as a chore as I like it.
I think Howard is teething. We have seen that there are two bottom teeth trying to make it through but nothing much is happening, but tonight he has been crying, unhappily which he doesnt do, he cries if he is lonely because he can't see me, and occasionally as he tries to get to sleep if he is tired but this crying was very different. I gave him a small does of Ibuprofen, and he seems to have nodded off to sleep now. I hope he sleeps later than he did this morning, 5.30 he woke, and he was grumpy too, teeth, they really do cause a lot of trouble.

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